Sunday 4 September 2016

Torsten and the Schremmers in Bruchsal

Mum's cousin Torsten has got a new wife and a new baby. After our day paragliding, we visit them again in Bruchsal, just a tram ride away from Karlsruhe. They take us to the Bruchsal castle and into a museum for mechanical musical instruments. We see the very first programmed music machines, with punchcard discs that are even older than vinyl discs!

This is the ceremonial room in Bruchsal Castle
A punchcard musical disc made of metal
Me spinning in an old fashioned carousel in the exhibition.
clockwise: me, Anne, baby Ella, Torsten and Jonas at Bruchsal Castle
For Isaac: The king who lived in Bruchsal Castle.


  1. Hi Niklas,
    I saw your pictures of the castle but who lived in the castle?
    I saw your Dad at school and he sent me your blog.
    Only 2 days left for school for us then HOLIDAYS!!!!
    See you soon,

  2. Hi Isaac,
    Okay I'll include one more photo for you, of the king or nobleman who lived in the castle. Enjoy the holidays! I am looking forward to being back home and playing with you.
    Love, Niklas
