Friday 16 September 2016

Day 7: Another Rest Day in Schillighörn

I so want a big kite! We have seen kites everywhere since we started our trip. In most towns, there is a dedicated kite lawn for this. The tiny kites that Petra gave us are not good enough. Mum and Oma disappear, they tell us they need "new tooth paste". When they come back they have got two wonderful steering kites! For the rest of the day we do nothing else.

Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height
Let's go fly a kite
And send it soaring.

On the kite flying lawn.
Up to the highest height.
Learning tricks: figure of eight.
Heinz is keen to have a go, too.
And send it soaring.
After dinner: Me at the beach at ebbing tide and setting sun.
Simply benign.
Up, up, up it is.
Opa pretending to be a priest. Amen.
Opa needs some advice on flying techniques.
Heinz and the empty ocean.
Heinz flying my kite.
The sun is setting, we keep going.

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