Saturday 17 September 2016

Day 8: Last day, from Schillighörn to Dangast

The last day of our bicycle trip. We have got a big day ahead, from Schillighörn to Petra's camper in Dangast, almost 50 km away. This is the longest trip and Mum is slightly concerned about the distance.

It turns out she needn't have to worry. The weather gods are with us! It is the only day on our trip that it is overcast, and we even have 10 min of rain in the morning. However, the winds are blowing strongly, and they are blowing north to south, the direction we are riding! The cycle track is new with very smooth concrete. Even without pedalling, we make 10 km/h.

I challenge Petra to a speed race. Her speedometer proves that I am doing 31 km/h max at Wilhelmshaven! Jonas is racing Opa Siegfried but only manages 27.8 km/h. I am the speed king of the day!

Petra, me and Jonas inspect the gates of the water lock at Hooksiel.
Lovely hair style: brown sheep with black and white faces around Wilhelmshaven.
Someone has left these hay balls on our track, we can hardly get past.
Almost at our destination, the last group foot of the trip: Petra, Opa Siegfried,, me, Jonas, Heinz and Oma Elke. Mum takes the photo.

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