Saturday 3 September 2016

Dredging lake and BBQ

Back in the olden days when Mum was a student, she lived in shared accommodation with other students. On Saturday we visit her old uni friend Tom Schlink. A few years ago Tom had moved to a little village near a dredging lake where we spend most of the hot afternoon: An artificial lake left from the days that river pebble was excavated for use in construction. These days, some of these dredging lakes are "civilised" with a kiosk, running water, toilet blocks and change rooms, and most importantly, some level grass along the edge to spread a towel and play.

After the cool down we walk back to Tom's place for a big BBQ. Lidia, another uni friend joins in, as well as her partner Ralf.

Tom's garden is a treat: a wild overgrown farmer's garden that still hosts tomatoes, eggplants, grapes, apples, pears and peaches somewhere, you just have to find them. We went on a long treasure hunt in the garden.

clockwise: Ralf, Lidia, Tom, Jonas, Mum, me

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