Saturday 24 September 2016

Berlin: Frank and Eva

I can now draw my extended family tree! After meeting great cousin Torsten in Heidelberg and Bruchsal, and doing the bicycle trip with great uncle Heinz, I meet another great cousin of mine, cousin to Mum.

Frank and mum are three years apart and last met 17 years ago. Frank owns a scaffolding company in Berlin. Frank and Eva invite us over for a BBQ in their garden where Jonas and I can run and play. We are also taken on a tour with the big truck.

It is such a nice day that we meet again, and again. The third time, we meet at KaDeWe, the most exclusive shopping mall in Berlin. Eva has some Moët champagne with Mum whilst Frank takes Jonas and me to the toy section. We can choose anything we like. I am certainly not going for the smallest Lego on offer! Thank you Frank, I am soooo enjoying my Ninjago Lego!

Frank and Mum at Frank's "beach", a sandy corner in the garden.
clockwise: Frank, Mum, Eva, Jonas, me. 
A tour with the big truck. They also have a crane in their back yard!
Another Brandenburger Tor. This one made from marzipan at KaDeWe.

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