Thursday 22 September 2016

Berlin: Seven days in the German Capital

When Jonas and I were two years old, Dad and Mum had taken us to Berlin. Back then, they took a photo of us in prams in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Mum said that she hated Berlin then, as she could barely manage the cobblestone with two prams. Now six years on, it is time to revisit the German capital, for some culture as well as to visit family.

Another photo of Jonas and me at the Brandenburger Tor.
The Currywurst was invented in Berlin.
My Hyde attacking a Currywurst.
Walls and wall memorials everywhere. This one is a memorial of the Warsaw separation of the Jews.
The famous wall, as a memorial, along the East Side Gallery near Warschauer Platz.
Hackesche Höfe.
We need a break from all the sight seeing - at Gleisdreieck playground.
It is bedtime for me, yawn!

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