Saturday 10 September 2016

Big Bicycle Trip with the Extended Schremmer Family: 270 km along the North Sea

This bicycle trip had been planned for weeks. Petra's camper van in Dangast on the North Sea is our base camp, she also provides a bicycle for Mum and find a rental place for Jonas' and my bike.

For the next week, and for 270 km along the North Sea, we will be riding our bikes from Leer to Dangast. Our first day starts at the camper van. We cycle to the train station, take two trains, and start our real trip in Leer on the river Ems, heading north to Emden.

Today: 44 km.
The moment before we start our big trip. Clockwise: great uncle Heinz, Jonas, aunt Petra, me, Mum, Opa Siegfried, Oma Elke. 
I love these Northern German cycle tracks!
The proof: My favourite German food is ice cream!
I am not the only one who likes that food.
In Ditzum, looking back at the statue of a fisher man.

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