Sunday 25 September 2016

Berlin: Anna, Andreas, Paul and Bela

After all these activities with the Schremmers, it is time to meet with Dad's side of the family again: Great cousin Anna and her family. I am thrilled to learn that there are more Kappelmanns, and some of them live right in the centre of Berlin, in Prenzlauer Berg.

Paul is seven years old and Bela three. They let us play with all their toys. We spend a lot of time with the car tracks.

Later, we all go out for spaghetti ice cream (that is, vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce and white chocolate flakes) and a big play on the play ground.

Bela and Paul with spaghetti ice cream.
clockwise: Mum, Andreas, Anna, Bela, me, Paul, Jonas.
Trying to be silly.

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