Tuesday 13 September 2016

Day 4: Rest Day in Esens/Bensersiel

After three days of cycling we have deserved a break. Our Youth Hostel is full of school kids on school excursion. We play with them table tennis and hide and seek.

In the morning we cycle into the town centre of Esens. We must have family in this town, as we cycle past the Pension Nordlicht Kappelmann!

There is also a man with a new fancy car that has been built like an old-timer. He allows us to sit on the driver seat.

In the afternoon we do a guided "Watt" walk on the ebbing ocean floor. Our guide explains to us the sands and silts, the low oxygen level in the soil, and the molluscs and worms that live in it.

We also go swimming with great uncle Heinz. When he was younger he used to regularly win the local swimming competitions, and once even the regional one. He has now turned 77 years, and we still cannot catch him in the pool!

Only 10 km today.

I am leading the way between Bensersiel and Esens.
Pension Nordlicht Kappelmann in Esens.
My new car.
Esens windmill.
A Schremmer in front of a Schlemmer.
Nice creatures these Watt worms.
Walking the ocean floor at low tide. The ferry uses a dredged water way.

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