Monday 5 September 2016

The best lunchtime ever

When I went to Kindergarten Canisiushaus in Karlsruhe in 2013, I became good friends with Julia Hetterich. Her family is moving apartment this week, but they manage to meet us at lunchtime, at the playground behind Oma Gisela and Opa Pico's house. We are having soooo much fun digging in the sand and irrigating the water from the water pump! I wish Julia would live closer to us.

So much fun!
I wish Julia would live closer to us!
clockwise: Mum, Michael, Jurana, Jan, Julia, ne and Jonas


  1. I hope you are not getting any exciting ideas for our playground, Niklas. I don't really want wet kids coming into my classroom at the end of lunchtime!

    1. Oh, Mrs Z wrote that we should start lobbying for more water features on playgrounds!
