Saturday 8 October 2016

Harvest Time

Aunt Petra lives in a house with an old garden that used to be a farmhouse garden. There are 6 old apple trees in the garden, one old pear tree and one massive walnut tree.

On our last Thursday in Germany, Oma, Opa, Mum, Jonas and I are harvest helpers for Petra. We don our fleece jackets, rain jackets, beanies and gardening gloves and start shaking he trees. It is soooo funny when the apples start falling down like massive rain drops! We learn to protect our heads and backs when someone announces another big shake of the overloaded branches. Oh so much fun!

With so many fruit trees, Petra brings the fruit to a fruit squeezing machine that makes juice from the apples and pears and vacuum seals the containers so that the juice keeps for two years. Even though we did not harvest all the trees fully, Petra gets 55 containers of juice from this, with 5 litres each. That is 275 litres of own produced juice. If only we could bring some of it back with us!

Apart from apples, I am also a good harvest helper for grapes. Opa Siegfried's pride grows around their terrace. We had put a net around the vines to protect them from birds. Now in October it's harvest time!

clockwise: aunt Petra, Opa Siegfried, Oma Elke, me and Jonas.
Shaking the tree!
I climbed that branch!
My harvest of 30 minutes of effort, hidden inside the bird netting.
Going, going,... 

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